Examples - Approximation

OLS approximation

If we have lots of data that we want to summarise with OLS

# Generating example data
using Random
using Distributions
using DataStructures
obs = 1000
X = rand(obs)
y = X .+ rand(Normal(),obs) .+ 7
# And now making an approximation function
approxFunction = create_ols_approximation(y, X, 2)

Numerical Integration with Chebyshev polynomials

And if we want to approximate the sin function in the [2.3, 5.6] bound with 7 polynomial terms and 20 approximation nodes:

chebyshevs = create_chebyshev_approximation(sin, 20, 7, OrderedDict{Symbol,Tuple{Float64,Float64}}(:default => (2.3, 5.6)))

We can integrate the above term in the normal way to achieve Gauss-Chebyshev quadrature:

integral(chebyshevs, 2.3, 5.6)

Multivariate: MARS Spline for approximation

First we will generate some example data.

using MultivariateFunctions
using Random
using DataFrames
using Distributions
using DataStructures

nObs = 1000
dd = DataFrame()
dd[:x] = rand( Normal(),nObs) + 0.1 .* rand( Normal(),nObs)
dd[:z] = rand( Normal(),nObs) + 0.1 .* rand( Normal(),nObs)
dd[:w] = (0.5 .* rand( Normal(),nObs)) .+ 0.7.*(dd[:z] .- dd[:x]) + 0.1 .* rand( Normal(),nObs)
dd[:y] = (dd[:x] .*dd[:w] ) .* (dd[:z] .- dd[:w]) .+ dd[:x] + rand( Normal(),nObs)
dd[7,:y] = 1.0
y = :y
x_variables = Set{Symbol}([:w, :x, :z])

It is important to note here that we have a set of symbols for x_variables. This is the set of columns in the dataframe that we will use to predict y - the dependent variable.

We can then create an approximation with recursive partitioning:

number_of_divisions = 7
rp_4, rp_reg_4 = create_recursive_partitioning(dd, y, x_variables, number_of_divisions; rel_tol = 1e-3)

We can also create a MARS approximation spline:

rp_1, rp_reg_1 = create_mars_spline(dd, y, x_variables, number_of_divisions; rel_tol = 1e-3)

Note that the rel_tol here is the tolerance in the optimisation step for hinges (or divisions in the recursive partitioning case). In most applied cases it generally doesn't matter much if there is a hinge at 1.0006 or at 1.0007 so in most settings this can be set higher than you would generally set the tolerance for a numerical optimiser. For this reason the default value is 1e-02.